letters, words, sentences, and maybe even some meanings

Don’t want a small **** man…

**The following text is the opinion of the author only and open for discussion.  It is not intended to be condemning and should not be seen as such.**

Why do some people have these huge ego’s and / or agenda’s in life so that they have to feel they must prove something to the universe?  If I buy a Jet ski, why does “Pete” have to go buy a bigger and better one, just to compete with me?  I do not care about what Pete bought, if he wants one too, fine, I don’t care….  but don’t call me and say: “Guess what; I bought the one just better than yours!”


I don’t give a shit, Pete.  If you have a small penis and therefore think you have something to prove in other ways….  Go for it!  But just leave me be…  I bought what I wanted because I wanted it and I am happy with it, not to prove something…  prrrfftt!

People, sadly mainly men, should learn to be happy with what they have.  People, and again mainly men, should learn to have respect for others.  Why be so hard-assed?  JEESH!  Get over yourself!!!  Frankly, I could not give a sh*t about your rants and raves and your new guitar or whatever it is.

I think you should learn a little bit more discernment and perceptiveness of others.  You can only change your opinion of a situation once you change your attitude towards it.  If you do not understand that, well then leave a comment and I will write a laymen’s version of it.


  • Be happy with who you are
  • Be happy with who you aren’t
  • Be happy with what you have
  • Be happy with what you don’t have
  • Listen to both sides of a story before you make an idiot of yourself by reacting without being properly informed
  • Drop the big fat ego and take time to listen, talk

This blog is open for scrutiny….  and I bet that if you are “Pete”, you would disagree and have something to say….



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