letters, words, sentences, and maybe even some meanings


Don’t want a small **** man…

**The following text is the opinion of the author only and open for discussion.  It is not intended to be condemning and should not be seen as such.**

Why do some people have these huge ego’s and / or agenda’s in life so that they have to feel they must prove something to the universe?  If I buy a Jet ski, why does “Pete” have to go buy a bigger and better one, just to compete with me?  I do not care about what Pete bought, if he wants one too, fine, I don’t care….  but don’t call me and say: “Guess what; I bought the one just better than yours!”


I don’t give a shit, Pete.  If you have a small penis and therefore think you have something to prove in other ways….  Go for it!  But just leave me be…  I bought what I wanted because I wanted it and I am happy with it, not to prove something…  prrrfftt!

People, sadly mainly men, should learn to be happy with what they have.  People, and again mainly men, should learn to have respect for others.  Why be so hard-assed?  JEESH!  Get over yourself!!!  Frankly, I could not give a sh*t about your rants and raves and your new guitar or whatever it is.

I think you should learn a little bit more discernment and perceptiveness of others.  You can only change your opinion of a situation once you change your attitude towards it.  If you do not understand that, well then leave a comment and I will write a laymen’s version of it.


  • Be happy with who you are
  • Be happy with who you aren’t
  • Be happy with what you have
  • Be happy with what you don’t have
  • Listen to both sides of a story before you make an idiot of yourself by reacting without being properly informed
  • Drop the big fat ego and take time to listen, talk

This blog is open for scrutiny….  and I bet that if you are “Pete”, you would disagree and have something to say….




slide the box open
remove sulphur tipped twig
strike agains corrosive side
and light will be
orange with a blue heart
flickering, warm
i am here as your creation
to burn your fuse
tsk, tsk, it ignites
sizzling moving
running through the twine


Contorted branches twist
like shaved limbs
reaching into the cold winter air
trying to touch
the bright holes
in the night sky
they bend
as a chilled breeze
blows its breath on them

Kaos in your head

Sometimes putting a thought down in words is surprisingly more difficult that what one might think.  Your mind might be rushing and performing at 110%, but to decode your contemplations to tangible prose might prove tough.  Recently I have had that quandary…

Understanding oneself is very important.  However, sometimes you reach a state where you would obscure the logical blueprint of your mind to the point that it is hard to keep track of where all the ends lie.  That means that you would have to vacate your comfort zone to go to a place where you could detangle the knots.  You will enter a strange paradigm of your psyche where foreign threads of thoughts and emotions run wild.

It is hard to keep a level head when you enter the new sphere… but I believe you can.  I will prove that you can…

Perception and emotions are mere decisions about feelings.  If these decisions are made consciously, you can overcome anything…

Die fees <– Something for the Afrikaners :)

Sing en dans, die gode was gelukkig…
Die hemele het weerbarstiglik gelag.
Die kamera se flits het die hemel verlig
terwyl sagte reën druppels elke plan
en die op aarde omvou.
Engele was vrolik,
soet is die reuk van geluk.
Teer is die lied van jou stem
Dit alles toe jy gebore was


Since the one thing we can say about fundamental matter is, that it is vibrating. And since all vibrations are theoretically sound, then it is not unreasonable to suggest that the universe is music and should be perceived as such

Thanks Anna, I borrowed this from one of your e-mails


Ever noticed how sometimes you reach this point that nothing just makes sense anymore?  Some call it a midlife or even a quarterlife crises, but in fact, your brain has been programmed to “re-evaluate” it’s surroundings every 8 years or so.

Damnit!  That means that I will have to put up with this irritating concoction of stress, acute depression and disparate footing another couple of times in my life?!  Help ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, I suppose it could not be all that bad.  If it was not for change, we would all be the same tomorrow than what we were yesterday.  Which means, today we would be sheep.  All clonings of society, identical except for the odd scratch of skin-deep wit that some poor soul cites to be “different”.  My arse!

What a contrasting picture I must be sketching here?  First I complain about change and then I thank it for ensuring that we do not become bored.

Dear Doctor Ruth, am I confused or is it only a quarterlife crisis or something?


Integrity has no need for rules

Thought of the day – A success story

Many people have many different philosophies about success.  Some say hard work, others say start your own business and some say remain a student and keep learning.  None of these people are wrong necessarily.  I know many people that made a significant success out of their careers and many of them used different methodologies.  There is however some key items that all of their strategies had in common.

  • Deadlines

Meeting a deadline should not be something you are proud of. If you meet all your deadlines, it means that you are only doing the bare minimum to fulfil your job.  Completing tasks before the deadline is what gets noticed and what raises eyebrows.  On-time is simply not good enough if you want to excel.

  • Quality

All people make mistakes some time or the other.  It is mostly acceptable to make mistakes if they are true mistakes.  What is unacceptable is not learning from them and making the same mistake repeatedly.  Even donkeys would only bump their head on the same branch once in their life.  Making the odd mistake should be a motivation not to make it again.  Eventually, you will do tasks perfect, everytime.

  • Goals

Goals are not goals anymore once you meet them.  They become history and are known as achievements.  The problem is that if you do not set new goals all the time, you will not get any more achievements again.  Always raising the bar will help you to keep on achieving, and if you feel that a goal is too high, try harder, don’t quit or sit back.

  • Innovation

If a process is working fine, it is time to upgrade or improve it.  There will always be a few small tweaks that will add value.  Always innovate.  Innovation is not necessarily inventing new things, but also improving current things.

If you had to firmly stick to these items, you will achieve a lot more in your career (and even maybe in your life) than most other people.

The courtroom speech – Boondock Saints

Now you will receive us. We do not ask for your poor or your hungry. We do not want your tired and sick. It is your corrupt we claim. It is your evil that will be saught by us. With every breath we shall hunt them down. Each day we will spill their blood ‘til it rains down from the skies. Do not kill, do not rape, to not steal. These are principles, which every man of every faith can embrace. These are not polite suggestions, these are codes of behavior and those of you that ignore them will pay the dearest cost. There are varying degrees of evil. We urge you lesser forms of filth not to push the bounds and cross over into true corruption, into our domain. But if you do you, one day you will look behind you and you will see we three, and on that day, you will reap it. And we will send you to whatever god you wish.

And shepherds we shall be, for thee my Lord for thee, power hath descended forthfrom thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. We shall flow a river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti.